Healthy Coach

“Boost Energy, Reduce Inflammation, Feel Younger, And Learn To Love Your Life Again”

Dear Friend,

I am about to tell you a true story. If you believe me, you will be well rewarded. If you don’t, I will make it worth your while to change your mind. 

Let me explain. . .

My name is Jonathan Mizel. You might know me as co-author of the bestselling book, Reverse Your Fatty Liver

Or maybe you took my Liver Detox class.

Or tried one of my supplements, like Healthy Liver Support, Daily Turmeric, or Daily Greens.

No matter how you got here, I promise you are in the right place. 

That’s because over the past eight years, I was able to crack the code and overcome many health challenges, naturally transforming my life, all of which led to…

  • More energy
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Deeper sleep
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Happier mood
  • Younger looking
  • Lost 31lbs of belly fat

And Now I Want To Help You Do The Same Thing

Back in the summer of 2014, I woke up one morning with a weird pain in my abdomen (which I tried to ignore). Over the next month, it got more inflamed and eventually spread to my right shoulder. 

Over the next week, my energy started to wane, and at that point, everything just seemed to snowball…

I had trouble sleeping, which made me even more tired and fatigued, and I started calling in sick because I couldn’t concentrate at work.

Then the weight gain started, and before I knew it, I was up a whopping 31 pounds, feeling slow and bloated all the time like my food wasn’t fully digesting.

It got so bad, none of my clothes fit anymore, and even worse, my skin broke out like a teenager. I started getting rashes on my hands and arms, which I found out later were a form of low-grade eczema from a clogged liver.

I knew something was wrong because I had honestly never felt so bad in my life. But when I went to see the doctor, he was pretty much useless, blaming me for my condition.

I ended up getting a new doctor and going through a battery of tests, X-rays, examinations, blood work, and a very expensive CT scan to finally get to the bottom of it. 

I also started seeing a second doctor who specialized in Natural and Chinese medicine, and what he taught me ended up saving my life.

As you probably guessed, I was diagnosed with a condition called fatty liver that was making me overweight, stressed, and very inflamed.

Here’s The Weird Thing Though…

Before all of this, I never really thought about my liver at all. I wasn’t even sure where it was located in my body, and I definitely didn’t know how important it was or all the things it did.

But once all this came to a head, I started noticing something strange…

More and more of my friends were having liver issues. And then, it seemed like there was an explosion of liver related news in the media.

Celebrities were getting it, doctors were warning about it, and drug companies were chomping at the bit to come up with a “fatty liver ” drug.

Then, out of nowhere, one of my business associates died from fatty liver, which in case you haven’t realized, is a horrible way to go. You are strapped to a hospital bed, and the only thing keeping you alive are IV tubes and oxygen.

Then another friend passed, this time from acute liver failure, which was 2 liver-related deaths in three months.

And that was when I got scared, and also when things got real. This disease, which I had only just discovered, was actually killing people I knew, and I did NOT want to be next. 

And so, I committed to figure things out and really get to the bottom of it, spending over $10,000 of my own money on tests, cleanses, classes, books, courses, and every weird diet I could lay my hands on. 

That research led me to release my book and a powerful supplement formulation, and now, I want to help you discover…

How To Create Your Dream Life

You see, over the years, I have worked with friends and clients, many with health conditions, who want to look and feel better, live longer, and some who just want to lose a few pounds.

These friends need  something they don’t get from their doctors… Accountability, motivation, inspiration, and specific life-hacks to make big changes. 

That’s what I bring to the table as a coach. I help people find the strength to get started, keep going, and reach their goals.

You will be on the same path I followed to overcome my condition, with daily email lessons to make sure you are doing what you need to do to keep moving forward.

This is a systematic process to stay strong and focused on your health. It’s for anyone who needs extra help creating a new way of being.

I call it Healthy Coach, it’s a 30-day program engineered to create lasting transformation, even if you don’t have a ton of personal discipline.

That’s the main problem people have. They get excited and vow to change their diet and lifestyle, but at the end of the day, they fail because they need an actual plan to stick to and a system to keep them accountable.

Here’s How Healthy Coach Works

I am your coach. After you join, you will receive a new lesson every morning for a month. They are easy-to-follow, and yet highly impactful (most take about 10 – 20 minutes).

The structure and order of the lessons have been strategically designed to shift your thinking and behavior. To help you ease into a healthy new lifestyle, and finally create the habits to upgrade your life.

Here is what we will cover…

  • Day 1: Committing to yourself
  • Day 2: Journaling
  • Day 3: Cleaning up your environment
  • Day 4: Purging toxins from your body
  • Day 5: Foods to avoid
  • Day 6: Epsom Salt Baths
  • Day 7: Your morning ritual
  • Day 8:  Fatty Liver Diet
  • Day 9:  What’s for breakfast?
  • Day 10: Outside influences
  • Day 11: Redefining your relationship with food
  • Day 12: Movement – Over or under muscled
  • Day 13: Grounding
  • Day 14: Lunch – Energy to stay productive
  • Day 15: Food combining
  • Day 16: Meal Planning
  • Day 17: Antioxidant power
  • Day 18: Becoming a better shopper
  • Day 19: Spices of life
  • Day 20: Dinner options
  • Day 21: Breathing exercises
  • Day 22: Castor oil packs
  • Day 23: Eating meditation
  • Day 24: Supplements
  • Day 25: How to cheat
  • Day 26: Pain relief without Tylenol
  • Day 27: Affirmations
  • Day 28: Bloodwork
  • Day 29: Sunshine
  • Day 30: Post health evaluation and selfie
We actually have a few bonus lessons as well, which you will receive as a surprise after the 30-day program is complete.

If You Are A Procrastinator…

If you lack motivation or are a procrastinator, this is the system for you, presented in an easy-to-follow format.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, this works for people from 18 to 80 because you can move through it at a realistic pace and come back to any lesson whenever you want.

This is also good for anyone who might be nervous about making big changes in their life and needs a proven process to keep you on track.

Healthy Coach is about learning new systems that serve your body and liver. It’s centered on feeling good about yourself, and who you are, no matter what point in the health journey you are starting from.

How Much Does This Cost?

The Healthy Coach program is $199, and is well worth the cost. This is the framework for getting unstuck and creating a happy and healthy life, especially if you have trouble staying on track.

I mean, you WANT to change, which is why you are here. Now I’m asking you to commit to yourself and let me be your guide and mentor.



Here’s Everything You Get…

The program is delivered by email, one lesson per day for one month. You can go through them as quickly or slowly as you like. Here’s everything that’s included:

  • Healthy Coach 30-Day Program (Value: $199) – Start each day with a positive message and an easy task that helps support your liver and overall health. These lessons are simple and yet, incredibly effective.

  • Free Gift #1 – Healthy Liver eBook Library (Value: $149) – Full access to the newest versions of all our books, Reverse Your Fatty Liver, Healthy Liver Recipes, and Smoothie Secrets.

  • Free Gift #2 – One Year Of Free Upgrades ($199 value) – Like everything we sell, we constantly improve our products and keep them updated with the latest info. You get free upgrades for one full year, and can download everything to keep forever.

  • Free Gift #3 – 60 Days Of Email Support (Value: $299) –  If you need help or have questions about anything, just send an email. We are here to support you

If you are even a little bit interested, get it now, because space is limited and the discount is ending soon.

Double Your Money Back Guarantee?

This program is special, and I’m confident it will transform your life in a very positive way. But if you don’t see a big change, or if you’re not thrilled for any reason, let me know and I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked.

And to make this deal more interesting for everyone (and really put my ass on the line), I have a second guarantee that my Operations Manager thinks is crazy…

Join the program now, follow the steps, and keep a short daily journal of your progress. If you don’t see a noticeable positive change in your life at the end, send me your journal entries, and I’ll refund you double the cost you paid.

The worst thing that happens is you get paid to try an amazing new program, but imagine the best thing that happens?

You finally take the steps to look and feel better! And that, my friend, is priceless.

By Now, You Already Know This Is A Yes

If you have read this far, you already know this would be a good fit, so the only thing to do now is click the button and get started…

I’ll see you on the inside!


Jonathan Mizel
Author, Reverse Your Fatty Liver

PS: If you have a work commitment, vacation, or other scheduling issues and can’t start right away, join now and get access to the program for one full year.

PPS: In the future, you’ll look back on today and remember it as the day you changed your life. Congratulations in advance!