Healthy Coach

How To Transform Your Health In Just 30 Days: My New Program Helps You Combat Fatty Liver Symptoms, Lose Weight, And More…

Dear Friend,

Jonathan Mizel here. You might know me as co-author of the bestselling Reverse Your Fatty Liver book.

Or maybe you tried one of my supplement formulations, like Healthy Liver Support, Daily Turmeric, or Daily Greens.

The important thing is that I cracked the code on how to overcome fatty liver and naturally transform my health, which helped me:

  • Lower liver enzymes
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Sleep deeper
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Have a happier mood
  • Experience more energy
  • Lose 31lbs of belly fat

And Now I Want To Help You Do The Same Thing

A little backstory… Earlier this year, I ran into an old friend, who had been just diagnosed with fatty liver. To be honest, the guy looked terrible, overweight, stressed, and very inflamed, which you could see in his puffy face.

He has a wife and kid and was worried because he had read how dangerous fatty liver can be. After 25 minutes of non-stop questions, he asked if I ever do any coaching.

Unfortunately, I told him don’t have time to work with people one-on-one.

But that chance meeting got me thinking about how I could use the power of the Internet to deliver an online coaching program that would give my friend (and everyone else) an action plan to finally deal with their liver health in an effective way.

Something that teaches you the tricks of the trade, as well as inspires and motivates you to get better.

And so, I spent an entire month putting together a brand new product, which is for anyone who needs extra help creating a healthy lifestyle.

It’s called Healthy Coach and it’s a 30-day program delivered via email and engineered to help you create lasting transformation, even if you don’t have a ton of personal discipline.

That was always my problem, I tend to get excited and vow to change my diet and lifestyle, but at the end of the day, I need an actual plan to stick to, something that doesn’t interfere with my overall life, but is still effective.

And fun, it also has to be fun, otherwise I won’t do it.

Here’s How Healthy Coach Works

Each morning for a month, you receive an easy-to-follow, but highly impactful email with a short lesson for the day (most take about 10 – 20 minutes).

The structure and order of the lessons have been strategically designed to shift your thinking and behavior. To help you ease into a healthy new lifestyle, and finally create the habits to upgrade your life.

If you lack motivation, or if you ever wait until the last minute to start something, this is the system you need, presented in an easy-to-follow format.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, this works for people from 18 to 80 because you can move through it at your own pace. If you need a break, take one. You can save the lessons in your email box and return to them whenever you want.

This is also a good program for anyone who might be nervous about making big changes in their life and doesn’t know where to start.

Healthy Coach is about learning new systems that serve your body and liver. It’s centered on feeling good about yourself, and who you are, no matter what point in the health journey you are starting from.

I mean, you WANT to change, which is why you are on my list, right? Now I’m asking you to commit to yourself and let me be your guide to keep you on track.

These daily lessons were specifically created for people who need implementation help, and who might be a little stuck.

This is the framework for getting unstuck and creating a happy and healthy life, especially if you have a liver condition or other chronic disease.

How Much Does This Cost?

The value of the Healthy Coach 30-day program is $497. I know that sounds expensive, but I spent the last 7 years of my life figuring this stuff out and creating an easy-to-follow system.

But as you have probably figured out, you aren’t going to pay anywhere near that.

Since you are one of my best customers, if you are one of the next 10 people to become part of this, you qualify for pre-release pricing.

Join now and we’ll knock an extra 90% off the price, and here’s why…

This is brand new information, created in May 2023, and while I think it’s the cat’s meow, I want to get some success stories and feedback from real customers before we open this to the world and raise the price.

So if you jump on the deal, and agree to give me feedback (positive or negative), I’m going to let you try Healthy Coach for a one-time payment of just $49, which is less than two dollars a day for a program with a total value of $1,115.

Here’s everything that’s included:

  • 30-Day Email Coaching Program (Value: $497) – Start your day with a positive message and an easy lesson that helps support your liver and overall health. These bite-sized tutorials are simple, and also incredibly effective.

  • Healthy Liver eBook Library (Value $177) – You get access to the newest 2023 versions of all our books, Reverse Your Fatty Liver, Healthy Liver Recipes, and Smoothie Secrets.

  • Liver-Friendly Online Recipe Vault (Value $47) – Over 80 recipes you can use right away, sorted by breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

  • One Year Of Free Upgrades ($197 value) – Like everything we sell, we constantly improve our products and keep them updated with the latest info. You will get library access for one full year, and you can download everything to keep forever.

  • 60 Days Of Support ($197 value) –  If you need help or have questions, we are here for you.

If you are even a little bit interested in this, get it now, because in the future, we are going to substantially increase the price and I’d hate for you to have to pay more.

You Will Love This Or It’s Free

This program is special, and I’m confident it can – and will – alter your life in a very positive way.

Join Healthy Coach and take two months to try it out. If you don’t see a a big change in your life and health, or if you are not thrilled for any reason, I’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked. 

I’m not worried though. Our products have very low refund rates because they work. If you are serious about your health, this can transform your life like it has transformed mine.

By Now, You Already Know If This Is A Yes

If you have read this far, you already know this would be a good fit, so the only thing to do now is click the button and get started…

I’ll see you on the inside!


Jonathan Mizel
Author, Reverse Your Fatty Liver

PS: In 30 days, you’ll look back on today and remember it as the day you changed your life. Congratulations in advance!